Slope-Intercept Methods

The Slope-Intercept form is a common format wanted for the final answers on many exams. To get this form, one needs to solve any given linear equation for the y-variable. The slope of a line can be found by two method: a) If there is a graph, count the rise of the line and divide by the run of the line. b) If you have two points on the line, the difference of the y-values divided by the difference of the x-values produces the slope. The y-intercept is the point where the line crosses the y-axis. The b in the slope-intercept formula is the y-value from the ordered pair of the y-intercept, (0, b). If you are given a slope and a point, use the Point-Slope form to find the slope-intercept form. It your given two points, you will need to calculate the Slope, m, and then use Point-Slope form to find the slope-intercept form.